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Physical Education

Welcome to Physical Literacy! This year students will focus on developing their physical literacy through games and activities. These games and activities will be used to help students develop their competence and confidence so they can learn the skills to be active for a lifetime. Students will learn to move their bodies fluently through a variety of spaces, to increase their fitness, and to develop their physical and social skills.

In September, our focus was on Cooperative Games. The activities/games we did provided students with the opportunity to interact and develop interpersonal skills (verbal and nonverbal communication), as well as to develop relationships and social skills (fair play and respect for self, others and the space). Students also explored a variety of fundamental movement skills (e.g. running, skipping, galloping, hopping, balancing, etc.) with partners, and in small and large group activities.  Students also participated in fitness activities that emphasized cardio, flexibility, endurance and strength.

In October, our focus was on Educational Gymnastics. Students focused on fundamental movement skills such as dynamic and static balance, jumping and landing, as well as movement skills such as rolling and turning. The skills were explored individually, in partners, and small groups, when safely moving on mats, benches and larger equipment.

In November, our focus was on Fitness. Students participated in activities that focused on cardio, flexibility, endurance and strength.

The focus for November/December is on Creative Movement (Music/Physical Education) . The Winter Celebration Assemblies will allow students the opportunity to present the skills they develop in the areas of movement and coordination.

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